A Night Out With Star Wars Fans

Last night I attended a gala for The Force Awakens.

By Robert Graves
The SoChi Gallery hosted a pretty fun Star Wars event.  The gallery and AmStar Cinemas put together a fantastic charity event.  I dug out my old Return of the Jedi Luke green saber and filled it with batteries (2 C) and unboxed my very nice A New Hope Luke blue saber and filled it with batteries (3 AA) and ran to the party.

always open lightsaber means carrying around 4 feet of prop all night

always open lightsaber means carrying around 4 feet of prop all night

There were professional lightsaber instructors who were offering lessons to those of us who were less than prepared.  Dual wielding seemed to be involved as well, and as professional martial artists, im almost certain they would have destroyed my sabers and my face.

The SoChi gallery is an actual art exhibition, so there was plenty of Star Wars art to be found.  Everything from realism paintings, to interpretive paintings, to Thomas Kincaid alterations were available.  I saw a pretty sweet Millennium Falcon stencil painted onto a circuit board schematic.  If only I had the cash.

party time, excellent

party time, excellent

Many people were in costume, and a suave Imperial Officer served us ‘The Dark Side’, a tasty strawberry frozen cocktail.  Nearby was a man who would scan your body and 3D print an action figure or Christmas Ornament.  “They’re limited edition!” he told us.  No kidding.

some nice cosplay to be found

some nice cosplay to be found

The event was fun and full of Star Wars fans.  Some were dressed exceptionally well – looking at you Darth Maul guy.  Of course AmStar was there selling ticket packages with neat Star Wars bonuses.  The fact that this was all for charity really made the event great.

The Force Awakens opens in a few hours.  Until then, i’ll be enjoying some classic Star Wars video games.

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